CAD Station
Unmatched performance
Powered by AMD Ryzen 3000 processors. Whether you're using AutoCAD, Revit, Solidworks, Adobe Suite, Maya, or any other design or simulation software, this finely crafted system can take your workflow to the next level.
Designed for professional applications and fully scalable to meet a variety of needs. Features include 3rd Gen AMD Ryzen processors and bleeding-edge professional-grade graphics solutions, providing premier performance.

Specs and Pricing
Class/Tier: CAD Station-DT-std
Processor: AMD Ryzen5 6-core 3.9 Ghz
Memory: 64 Gb RAM
Hard Drive: 512 Gb SSD
Video: 6Gb RAM NVIDIA A2000
Warranty: 3-year
Base Price Unit Per Quote
Class/Tier: CAD Station-DT-plus
Processor: AMD Ryzen7 8-core 3.8Ghz
Memory: 64 Gb RAM
Hard Drive: 512 Gb SSD
Video: 16GB PNY NVIDIA A4000
Warranty: 3-year
Estimated Price: Base Price Unit + Add $625
Class/Tier: CAD Station-DT-adv
Processor: AMD Ryzen7 8-core 3.9Ghz
Memory: 128 Gb RAM
Hard Drive: 512 Gb SSD
Video: 16GB PNY NVIDIA A4000
Warranty: 3-year
Estimated Price: Base Price Unit + Add $1475
Class/Tier: CAD Station-DT-extreme
Processor: AMD Ryzen7 8-core 3.9Ghz
Memory: 128 Gb RAM
Hard Drive: 512 Gb SSD
Video: 24GB PNY NVIDIA A5000
Warranty: 3-year
Estimated Price: Base Price Unit + Add $3075
Class/Tier: CAD Station-DT-GRFX (Not suited to SolidWorks/CAD)
Processor: AMD Ryzen5 8-core 3.6Ghz
Memory: 32 Gb RAM
Hard Drive: 512 Gb SSD
Video: 6GB NVIDIA GTX 1660 Ti Vid w/6gb vRam
Warranty: 3-year
Estimated Price: Base Price Unit - Subtract $500

Ports and Slots
2. Four USB 3.1 Gen 1
3. Two USB-c/TB ports
4. One USB 3.1 Gen 2 Type-C
5. PS/2 mouse and PS/2 keyboard
6. DisplayPort, and HDMI port on the rear panel
Notice: The pricing stated includes all labor costs related to adding new equipment to your environment including Ordering, Delivery, Machine Setup, Documentation, SpecificSoftware Profiles, and Installation. TechNosis base plans do not include these services as each company has unique needs, that vary over time. Our approach is to let the appropriate equipment lifecycle drive the cost not a fixed and inflexible contract. The approach is intended to give you a fixed, stable, and complete price for everything related to adding the equipment to your environment that can be used for budgeting and planning purposes. If additional hardware is required at the time of installation you will be invoiced (with your approval)after the installation is completed.